Gulliver's Travels - Jonathan Swift

Gulliver's Travels - Jonathan Swift


Gulliver’s Travels is renowned as a playful and comic children’s classic. The book is a savage, rude and brilliant satire, timeless in its appeal.





Track Listing

Track #TitleArtistLength
1A letter from Capt. Gulliver to his cousin SympsonNeville Jason4:41
2A Voyage to LilliputNeville Jason6:23
3I lay all this while in great UneasinessNeville Jason9:17
4The Emperor of LilliputNeville Jason13:29
5Like a ColossusNeville Jason10:56
6The Empire of BlefuscuNeville Jason10:52
7A private intrigueNeville Jason5:43
8A boat – and escapeNeville Jason4:42
9A Voyage to BrobdingnagNeville Jason7:43
10I am carried homeNeville Jason5:34
11I am given a new name – GildrigNeville Jason10:42
12Kites and Maids of HonourNeville Jason13:00
13In hopes to ingratiate my self farther...Neville Jason6:31
14I had now been two Years in this countryNeville Jason10:46
15A voyage to Laputa, Balnibarbi and LuggnaggNeville Jason9:22
16The Palace, and the Chamber of PresenceNeville Jason8:13
17I take Leave of his Majesty...and arrive in BalnibarbiNeville Jason9:46
18In the School of Political ProjectorsNeville Jason0:51
19The Island of LuggnaggNeville Jason9:19
20An Account of the StruldbruggsNeville Jason5:53
21A Voyage to the Country of the HouyhnhnmsNeville Jason10:15
22The two Horses came up to meNeville Jason11:08
23The language – like High Dutch or GermanNeville Jason5:58
24My Master heard me...Neville Jason15:13
25A Confederacy of InjusticeNeville Jason3:07
26The Congruity betwixt me and the YahoosNeville Jason13:49
27I began this desperate VoyageNeville Jason7:12
28Thus, Gentle ReaderNeville Jason6:28