Julius Caesar - William Shakespeare

Julius Caesar - William Shakespeare


Julius Caesar is Shakespeare’s most political play. He examines whether assassinations can justified, and the effect violence has on its perpetrators.





Track Listing

Track #TitleArtistLength
1Act I Scene iFeaturing Andrew Buchan, Paul Rhys, and Sean Barrett4:08
2Scene iiFeaturing Andrew Buchan, Paul Rhys, and Sean Barrett4:21
3Cassius – I know that virtue to be in you, Brutus...Featuring Andrew Buchan, Paul Rhys, and Sean Barrett4:23
4Re-enter Caesar and his trainFeaturing Andrew Buchan, Paul Rhys, and Sean Barrett6:28
5Scene iiiFeaturing Andrew Buchan, Paul Rhys, and Sean Barrett1:54
6Enter CassiusFeaturing Andrew Buchan, Paul Rhys, and Sean Barrett4:25
7Enter CinnaFeaturing Andrew Buchan, Paul Rhys, and Sean Barrett1:23
8Act II Scene iFeaturing Andrew Buchan, Paul Rhys, and Sean Barrett0:35
9Brutus – It must be by his death and for my part...Featuring Andrew Buchan, Paul Rhys, and Sean Barrett5:05
10Enter the conspirators, Cassius, Casca, Decius Brutus, Cinna etc.Featuring Andrew Buchan, Paul Rhys, and Sean Barrett7:27
11Enter PortiaFeaturing Andrew Buchan, Paul Rhys, and Sean Barrett4:48
12Re-enter Lucius with LigariusFeaturing Andrew Buchan, Paul Rhys, and Sean Barrett1:27
13Scene iiFeaturing Andrew Buchan, Paul Rhys, and Sean Barrett0:22
14Enter CalpurniaFeaturing Andrew Buchan, Paul Rhys, and Sean Barrett2:46
15Enter Decius BrutusFeaturing Andrew Buchan, Paul Rhys, and Sean Barrett2:45
16Enter Publius, Brutus, Ligarius, Metellus, Casca, Trebonius etc.Featuring Andrew Buchan, Paul Rhys, and Sean Barrett0:25
17Enter AntonyFeaturing Andrew Buchan, Paul Rhys, and Sean Barrett0:48
18Scene iiiFeaturing Andrew Buchan, Paul Rhys, and Sean Barrett1:00
19Scene ivFeaturing Andrew Buchan, Paul Rhys, and Sean Barrett1:13
20Enter the SoothsayerFeaturing Andrew Buchan, Paul Rhys, and Sean Barrett1:26
21Act III Scene iFeaturing Andrew Buchan, Paul Rhys, and Sean Barrett3:43
22Casca and the other conspirators stab CaesarFeaturing Andrew Buchan, Paul Rhys, and Sean Barrett1:09
23Re-enter TreboniusFeaturing Andrew Buchan, Paul Rhys, and Sean Barrett1:22
24Enter a servantFeaturing Andrew Buchan, Paul Rhys, and Sean Barrett1:12
25Enter AntonyFeaturing Andrew Buchan, Paul Rhys, and Sean Barrett5:50
26Antony – O, pardon me, thou bleeding piece of earth...Featuring Andrew Buchan, Paul Rhys, and Sean Barrett2:54
27Act III Scene iiFeaturing Andrew Buchan, Paul Rhys, and Sean Barrett0:45
28Brutus – Be patient till the last...Featuring Andrew Buchan, Paul Rhys, and Sean Barrett2:12
29Enter Antony and others, with Caesar’s bodyFeaturing Andrew Buchan, Paul Rhys, and Sean Barrett1:47
30Antony – Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears...Featuring Andrew Buchan, Paul Rhys, and Sean Barrett5:15
31Antony comes down from the pulpitFeaturing Andrew Buchan, Paul Rhys, and Sean Barrett6:09
32Enter a servantFeaturing Andrew Buchan, Paul Rhys, and Sean Barrett32:00
33Scene iiiFeaturing Andrew Buchan, Paul Rhys, and Sean Barrett1:53
34Act IV Scene iFeaturing Andrew Buchan, Paul Rhys, and Sean Barrett2:26
35Scene iiFeaturing Andrew Buchan, Paul Rhys, and Sean Barrett1:32
36Enter Cassius and his PowersFeaturing Andrew Buchan, Paul Rhys, and Sean Barrett0:53
37Scene iiiFeaturing Andrew Buchan, Paul Rhys, and Sean Barrett6:25
38Enter Poet, followed by Lucilius, Titinius and LuciusFeaturing Andrew Buchan, Paul Rhys, and Sean Barrett1:41
39Enter Lucius, with wine and taperFeaturing Andrew Buchan, Paul Rhys, and Sean Barrett0:26
40Enter Titinius, with MessalaFeaturing Andrew Buchan, Paul Rhys, and Sean Barrett4:06
41Enter Lucius with the gownFeaturing Andrew Buchan, Paul Rhys, and Sean Barrett0:21
42Enter Varrus and ClaudioFeaturing Andrew Buchan, Paul Rhys, and Sean Barrett2:38
43Enter the Ghost of CaesarFeaturing Andrew Buchan, Paul Rhys, and Sean Barrett2:11
44Act V Scene iFeaturing Andrew Buchan, Paul Rhys, and Sean Barrett0:35
45Enter a messengerFeaturing Andrew Buchan, Paul Rhys, and Sean Barrett0:17
46Enter Brutus, Cassius and their Army; Lucilius etc.Featuring Andrew Buchan, Paul Rhys, and Sean Barrett5:36
47Scene iiFeaturing Andrew Buchan, Paul Rhys, and Sean Barrett0:30
48Scene iiiFeaturing Andrew Buchan, Paul Rhys, and Sean Barrett0:23
49Enter PindarusFeaturing Andrew Buchan, Paul Rhys, and Sean Barrett2:27
50Enter Titinius with MessalaFeaturing Andrew Buchan, Paul Rhys, and Sean Barrett2:28
51Enter Messala, with Brutus, young Cato, Strato, Voluminus etc.Featuring Andrew Buchan, Paul Rhys, and Sean Barrett1:17
52Scene ivFeaturing Andrew Buchan, Paul Rhys, and Sean Barrett1:12
53Enter AntonyFeaturing Andrew Buchan, Paul Rhys, and Sean Barrett0:46
54Scene vFeaturing Andrew Buchan, Paul Rhys, and Sean Barrett3:38
55Enter Octavius, Antony, Messala, Lucilius and the armyFeaturing Andrew Buchan, Paul Rhys, and Sean Barrett2:22