The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald

The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald


The elegant Jay Gatsby yearns for his old love, Daisy. Part morality tale, part fairy tale, The Great Gatsby is the seminal novel of the Jazz Age.







Track Listing

Track #TitleArtistLength
1The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald – Chapter 1William Hope6:17
2It was lonely for a day or so…William Hope5:23
3And so it happened on a warm windy evening…William Hope6:13
4I told her how I had stopped off in Chicago…William Hope6:30
5‘Tom’s getting very profound,’ said Daisy…William Hope5:20
6The telephone rang inside, startlingly…William Hope4:43
7When we came in she held us silent for a moment…William Hope6:17
8Chapter 2William Hope6:15
9We waited for her down the road and out of sight…William Hope6:22
10Just as Tom and Myrtle – after the first drink…William Hope5:40
11This absorbing information about my neighbor…William Hope5:08
12The bottle of whiskey – a second one…William Hope5:37
13Chapter 3William Hope5:11
14Dressed up in white flannels I went over…William Hope5:06
15The first supper – there would be another one…William Hope5:10
16I was still with Jordan Baker…William Hope5:07
17There was the boom of a bass drum…William Hope5:28
18As I waited for my hat in the hall…William Hope6:55
19Reading over what I have written so far…William Hope6:43
20Chapter 4William Hope5:23
21At nine o’clock, one morning late in July…William Hope5:27
22Little Montenegro! He lifted up the words…William Hope5:36
23Roaring noon. In a well fanned 42nd Street cellar…William Hope5:02
24Suddenly he looked at his watch, jumped up…William Hope6:19
25When I came opposite her house that morning…William Hope6:10
26Well, about six weeks ago, she heard the name Gatsby…William Hope5:01
27Chapter 5William Hope4:37
28The day agreed upon was pouring rain…William Hope4:53
29For half a minute there wasn’t a sound…William Hope6:16
30‘Oh, hello, old sport,’ he said…William Hope6:48
31After the house, we were to see the grounds…William Hope6:47
32Chapter 6William Hope6:08
33He was employed in a vague personal capacity…William Hope5:58
34The rest of us walked out on the porch…William Hope5:22
35We were at a particularly tipsy table…William Hope6:14
36I stayed late that night. Gatsby asked me…William Hope5:03
37Chapter 7William Hope4:50
38The room, shadowed well with awnings…William Hope5:01
39I went with them out to the veranda…William Hope5:08
40Tom came out of the house wrapping a quart bottle…William Hope4:33
41With an effort Wilson left the shade…William Hope5:47
42The prolonged and tumultuous argument…William Hope4:58
43Gatsby’s foot beat a short, restless tattoo…William Hope4:56
44Tom turned to Daisy sharply…William Hope4:38
45‘You don’t understand,’ said Gatsby…William Hope6:05
46The young Greek, Michaelis, who ran the coffee joint…William Hope7:07
47‘What’s the name of this place here?’ demanded the officer.William Hope5:47
48Somehow, that seemed a despicable occupation…William Hope5:19
49Chapter 8William Hope6:05
50‘I can’t describe to you how surprised I was…’William Hope5:46
51He left feeling that if he had searched harder…William Hope6:02
52When I passed the ashheaps…William Hope6:11
53Michaelis had seen this too…William Hope7:09
54Chapter 9William Hope5:51
55When the phone rang that afternoon…William Hope6:30
56The morning of the funeral I went up to New York…William Hope6:18
57He seemed reluctant to put away the picture…William Hope6:03
58That’s my middle west – not the wheat…William Hope6:15
59There was nothing I could say, except…William Hope4:59