Hold Me Tight Seven Conversations for a Lifetime of Love - Dr. Sue Johnson
Dr. Sue JohnsonThe Adjustment Bureau - Philip K. Dick
Philip K. DickThe Fall of the House of Usher - Edgar Allan Poe
Edgar Allan PoeParty Girl - Rachel Hollis
Rachel HollisThe Lady With the Little Dog - Anton Chekhov
Anton ChekhovSeason of the Witch - Arni Thorarinsson, Anna Yates (Translator)
Arni Thorarinsson, Anna Yates (Translator)It Happened Twelfth Night (from The Winter Collection) - Heidi Ashworth
Heidi AshworthThe Iconist The Art and Science of Standing Out - Jamie Mustard
Jamie MustardMoby Dick - Herman Melville
Herman MelvilleGulliver's Travels - Jonathan Swift
Jonathan SwiftThe Perfect You - Dr. Caroline Leaf
Dr. Caroline LeafPandora's Curse - Jack du Brul
Jack du BrulThe Cricket Match - A.G Macdonell
A.G MacdonellThe Assassin's Club - Nicholas Blake
Nicholas BlakeDealing With Difficult People - Roy Lilley
Roy LilleyA Midsummer Night's Dream - William Shakespeare
William ShakespeareLost Things - John Rector
John RectorThe Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald
F. Scott FitzgeraldThe Phantom of the Opera - Gaston Leroux
Gaston LerouxSuccess and Something Greater Your Magic Key - Sharon L. Lechter, Dr. Greg Reid, Napoleon Hill
Sharon L. Lechter, Dr. Greg Reid, Napoleon HillWomen Talking - Brittany K. Allen, Sandra Delgado, ruth tang, Jessie Buckley, Zoe Chao, Kate Hallett, Sheila McCarthy, Michelle McLeod, Eva Noblezada, Sarah Polley, Heidi Schreck, August Winter
Brittany K. Allen, Sandra Delgado, ruth tang, Jess...Caroles on the Green from The Winter Collection) - Joyce DiPasten
Joyce DiPastenLast of the Magpies - Mark Edwards
Mark EdwardsOvercoming Imposter Syndrome - Kelly Vincent, The Great Courses
Kelly Vincent, The Great Courses